100% SVG components
New version runing with Firefox 1.5, Opera 9 and Batik 1.6
Design and script are separated.
Script is load on begin
Design is load on request and removed after use.
You can create your design, save it in SVG or SVGZ files.
You have js library, design examples, example of using component and some help:
Alert, confirm and prompt windows Drop-down list with scrolling for large list
Slider Color picker Create lineargradient or radialgradient Chronometer
Javascript libraries to create text with effect
( you have only to insert script and call function )
Some don't run with Firefox 1.5 or Opera 9
Tapewriter animation
on text each
letter rotate with horizontal axis each
letter rotate with vertical axis
Zoom on each letter in place
Load all this examples in a single zip file ( 54.4 ko )