JS library : tapewriter
Script is load on begin
You can choose style for text, timing and time to remove text.
You can put any number of lines in your text, separated by '\n'
In main SVG, for using tapewriter, you have to
1) load script with <script xlink:href="tapewriter.js.gz"/>
2) reserve at the end place for design with <g id="affiche" transform="translate(100,50)"></g>
by example
3) call it with
add_tapewriter("affiche", 'Scalable\nVector\nGraphics', 10, 200,
'text-anchor:left;font-size:30;font-family:Arial;fill:blue;stroke:green', 200,
2000, 1);
in order: name of group where create text, string for text, value for text x, value for
text y, style for text, timing, time before remove in milliseconds ( -1
don't remove text ), number for use
( svgdoc must be name for SVGDocument )