feColorMatrix filter
Filter apply matrix transformation for calculate new values for RGBA and alpha for each pixel
matrix: you give all values for 5x4 matrix
( for most terms, you can see effect between -1 and 1, between 0 and 1 for alpha
hueRotate: you give value of angle in degrees ( 0 has no effect on picture )
saturate: you give value positive ( 1 don't change, 0 give black and
white picture )
luminanceToAlpha: no parameter (give negative picture )
Example for no effect with type="matrix":
<filter id="MyFilter" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="400" height="400">
<feColorMatrix id='color' type="matrix"
values="1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0"/>
<image id="MyImage" width='400' height='400' xlink:href='puzzle.jpg'/>
<use filter="url(#MyFilter)" xlink:href='#MyImage' x='0' y='0'/>
see examples of effects on a JPEG picture
tool to modify type, parameters, see matrix values and result