Some examples using SVG and javascript to modify DOM
Create objects
Create a rectangle Create text
Create event for existing object
Modify objects
Modify a rectangle Modify text
Zoom on object when mouse is over
Clone objects
Clone a rectangle
Some routines Move object with mouse Move text with mouse Rotate a rectangle
Alert windows Confirm
windows Choice windows
Prompt windows
Modify context
menu on different objects Get coordinates using viewBox, zoom and pan
Form elements in SVG with JavaScript
Form SVG-JavaScript send data to server PHP
From SVG file ( run with IE )
Frome HTML file (
don't run in Netscape 4.X from SVG ! )
Utilisation de clipPath
Animation as in Flah ( spot on text )
Magnifying glass on JPEG
Magnifying glass with choice of file on your disk
SVG Filters:
Tools to modify parameters on
picture of your choice and save SVG
Zoom and Pan with javascript Using only currentScale and currentTranslate
Wrap, modify text, font, size, bold, orientation
Pick a color and opacity in RGB space
Pick a color in HSL space (NEW)
Unrolling menus Names for colors
Characters table in HTML Characters table in PHP
Characters table for parameters( URL, Formulaires .. )
Characters tables for SVG:
Font-family Arial 21 to 700
Font-family Arial 2001 to 2670
Font-family Symbol 21 to 100
Functions and methods to modify DOM with javascript
This examples in a Zip file( 87 523 octets )